So, Nuku and I are doing this Wild Arcana quest just killing Unstable Elementals and collecting the ridiculous buffs when this blood elf Paladin comes along and starts attacking us. Nuku is a Guardian Druid so the Paladin focuses on me (Enhancement Shaman) since Nuku seems to be unkillable. lol. I end up dying and the Pally goes back to work on Nuku in vain. When I get back after resurrecting, I just focus on the mobs avoiding the Paladin to complete my quest while collecting more Wild Arcana buffs.
Nuku and I are on voice the whole time talking and laughing about how determined the Paladin seems to be utterly focused on killing Nuku. The Pally then hops into the Arcane Construct to attempt killing Nuku a different way. 😂 As the persevering pally continues to pester Nuku, I just happened to get the Exploding Map spell and giddily say to Nuku, "I'ma map him! I'm so excited!"
A single Flame Shock and press of the M key later and the Paladin is popped out of the Arcane Construct, dead on the ground, and Nuku and I are laughing our asses off as it was the final percentage I needed to complete the quest. 🤣
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