Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where'd You Go?

Patch 4.1.0

I guess this post is unrelated to WoW in the fact that this video/song is not about WoW in any way shape or form... BUT it's definitely blog-worthy here in the fact that it's ME singing and Crykoda rapping ( and he and I met each other through the WoW parody YouTube scene, so there ya go: 6 degrees of Kevin Bac.. I mean.. WoW relation. ^_^

If you don't know who Crykoda is, please check him out! Subscribe to him on YouTube and Like his Facebook "fan" page ( In short, he's a WoW parody rapper/lyricist/comedian and an overall great, loud, obnoxious, geeky guy.... Yes, ladies, he's definitely a heart-breaker. XD *winks at Koda*

This video is Koda's remix of Fort Minor's "Where'd You Go". The chorus (that I sing) is the same as the original song, but the rap'd verse is an original written by Crykoda himself. I hope you enjoy the vloggy "liveness" of the vid! *blushes shyly*

1 comment :

  1. Ember, this is incredible. And your voice and Koda's work REALLY well together.
