Friday, June 18, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
Back when WoW Classic released in 2019, I rolled a dwarf Paladin and named her "Isolte." I felt like I was betraying my Draenei Shaman main by giving her name to a totally different character, but even though I had hope for it, I honestly did not believe that Blizzard would expand on Classic with a classic version of The Burning Crusade. So, I ended up leveling a Paladin named Isolte on Atiesh (PvE) up to 36 and then leveled another Paladin on Fairbanks (PvP) to 34. (I switched to Fairbanks because my partner's cousins and my old guildmates stubbornly decided to roll on a PvP server as usual per every expansion they come back to play for the first few months and then quit again. 😒 But of course my partner and I wanted a chance to play with them... Even though this scenario never pans out well for me and my enjoyment of the game, and I despise that I keep letting it happen expansion after expansion just for the sake of pleasing my partner and playing with "people I know". But aaaannywaaay...) I ended up quitting Classic because I basically had no love for my Paladin(s), playing on a PvP server did not appeal to me at all, and playing without my partner on a PvE server while he was on another was just depressing. But I still held onto hope that Blizzard would plan on a TBC Classic so that I could potentially "be myself" someday and was extremely overjoyed when they announced it in February 2021 at BlizzConline.
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