I'm goin' to BlizzCon 2011!
Got my ticket yesterday! I was 1070 in the queue. =3 WOOO! I'm so excited! This will be my first BlizzCon so I have no idea what to expect! I've been to sci-fi and furry conventions, so I have a small idea of what the geeky con-goers may be like. But I'm so anxious to see the EPICNESS of the convention space. Most of the cons I've been to are all hosted in hotels and the ones at the convention centers I've been to I imagine can't even compare to BlizzCon.. sooo *squee* I'm excited!Since I live in Northern California, I'm planning to just drive down to Anaheim, but we'll see. I've got months to plan and things may change. But one thing I'm sure of is that I'm SO gonna be there!!! \o/ I can't wait to meet some of the incredible people I've gotten to know, adore, and love in the WoW Community: Rawrbug, Asiko, Summergale, Crykoda, just to name off a few people that I know are planning to be there! Woo!!
I just wanted to update my blog here in case you haven't heard from my Twitter and Facebook. By the way, if you aren't following me on Twitter and you have a Twitter account, please follow me! http://twitter.com/EmberIsolte! I use Twitter the most out of all the "social networks" I frequent and I have my Facebook set to update my status with my Tweets! XD Sooo, if you want to be the first to hear news and updates from me, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! And if you hate Twitter, well, that's your thing. And if you follow me on Twitter AND Facebook.. well.. Sorry for the double posts! Lol.